Notes from Chap. 15 of the official Python tutorial, Floating Point Arithmetic: Issues and Limitations
Key terms
- Base 2 (binary system) - numbers are expressed using only two symbols, typically 0 and 1.
- Base 2 fractions - fractions in one base (e.g. base 10) can be converted to another base (e.g. base 2) using several methods.
- Base 10 (decimal system) - numbers are represented with 10 symbols (e.g. arabic numerals) and a separator (e.g. a dot).
- Base 16 (hexadecimal system) - numbers are represented with 16 symbols, most commonly 0-9 for zero to nine and A-F for ten to fifteen
- Bit - binary digit (e.g. 0 or 1)
- Floating point numbers - numbers with decimal points. (INCOMPLETE FOR NOW.)
- Floating point numbers are represented in computer hardware as base 2 (binary) fractions
- Representation error: Most decimal fractions can’t be represented exactly as binary (base 2) fractions
So what?
- Python (and other programming languages) often won’t display the exact decimal number one expects
Now what?
- Use the
modules to make calcuations between floats, fractions & decimals - The
function can be useful for post-calculation rounding so that inexact values become comparable - Look at SciPy if doing a lot of floating point operations
- There are tools that can be used to get the exact value of a float (