Intro to Bash

14 Jan 2020

Next: Compound command Job control Parameters Patterns Arrays IO Sourcing Practices

Notes on The Bash Guide: A quality driven guide through the shell’s many features

Bash resources

Bash FAQs

Key new terms (all chapters)

0 - standard input (e.g. keyboard).
1 - standard output (e.g. window within display). Redirecting FD1 is done with > operator.
2 - standard error (where errors & info messages are sent to - e.g. also display)\

Important commands (all chapters)

Important switches (all chapters)

List of swiches

What to follow up on (all chapters)

Ch. 1: Inception - What is bash and where does it live?

Ch.2 Commands & Arguments

Ch. 3 - Variables & Expansions

Tests & Conditionals

Loops & Functions

Iterating commands using for loops, while and until loops, select statements and grouping them in functions. (Ch. 9 in PDF - compound commands)

Asynchronous Commands

About jobs, asynchronous commands, job control, process identifiers and signals, process management, inter-process communications. (Ch 11 in PDF - job control)

Colors & Terminal Commands

Terminals and terminal sequences, terminal identifiers, terminfo and terminal capabilities, outputting colors, moving the cursor and querying the terminal’s state. (Not in PDF)

Customizing the Prompt

Prompting, prompt commands and the DEBUG signal, readline, bind and input modes and hotkeys, programmatic command completion.

Advanced Topics

About syntax sugar, specific use cases and shell tricks.

Recommendations & Pitfalls

How to do things well and how to do things very, very badly.

Noteworthy External Tools

Bash is limited, but augmented by a powerful toolset.

General notes